Looking for special summer activities on the island of Corfu, something other than the usual explorations of wonderful beaches and landscapes, I stumbled upon an online reference to Corfu Aquarium. I had to research it and that’s what I did on a hot April afternoon .

Welcome to Corfu Aquarium
Corfu Aquarium is located in one of the beautiful and well-known towns of Corfu, about 23 km away from the city center in Paleokastritsa . If you do not have your own vehicle, you can get there by bus (there are frequent itineraries, see more HERE). Τhe route is about half an hour. After admiring the enchanting landscapes of the area along the way, you will arrive at the Aquarium . Aris will be waiting to guide you to the unique water world that he and his family have created with great love and dedication

Corfu Aquarium started its operation in 2011 and its purpose is to promote the aquatic life not only of Corfu but also of the whole Mediterranean Sea. The ocean is,truthfully ,the most mysterious and enornous part of our planet. The Aquarium in addition to several species of fish also hosts some very interesting reptiles . Giorgos the iguana is the big star , but also many snakes, shellfish and mollusks .

What to expect
The fishermen of the area, wishing to protect the rare species that get caught in their nets, carry them to the Aquarium, where after special care (in case of injuries) the new members are added to the family of Corfu Aquarium. Indicatively, some species that you can find in the Aquarium are the bull, the salp, the poisonous red scorpion, the scary day-mare and a 25-year-old lobster . You will also find beautiful colorful starfish and some very interesting frog species)as well as a host of snakes. You will get to know, among others, the Python, the yellow anaconda, the boa sphincter and many more. If you’re pretty daring, you can keep a snake in your own hands for a while!!

Corfu Aquarium runs from early March until mid November with an opening hours of 10am to 5pm, which is then extended to 19.00hrs. The adult ticket price is 6 euro for children (5 to 12 years old) at 4 euros. There is always someone with you who guides you personally and answers any of your questions.
For online booking and more info check the official page or call http://www.corfuaquarium.com/ or +30 26630 41339.
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